The hotel is surrounded by a park with big trees that separate it from the main road.
The park is 12.000 square meters, that can be calculated as 170 sqm per guest.This garden stretches from the road to the lake, where you can find a small beach .An easy underpass links the lake garden to the mountain garden where you can find a clay tennis court.
Morning till sunset our guests can enjoy a swim and then relax in the sun on our garden deck chairs or lay in the shade of its centenarian trees always in your own special corner.
In the hot summer, the gentle breeze that slips down from the mountains, called Montivo and the afternoon lake breeze called Breva, will avoid any sultriness.
The gaze crosses the open basin that divides Tremezzo from Bellagio and ends up in the quaint little town of Varenna. The public boat stop of the “Navigazione Lago di Como” is adjacent to the lake exit of the hotel.
Behind the hotel iterates the Via Statale Regina, that flows along the west coast of the lake and in front of the Hotel Sangiorgio main entrance, that is reachable by public transportation or accessible to private cars directed to the ample hotel guests parking.
The hotel SAN GIORGIO (original name “REGINA AND SAN GIORGIO HOTEL”) began its activity in 1920. The house consists of two buildings:the highest was designed and built as a hotel, the other one dates back to XVII century.The oldest one was at the beginning a shed and afterwards it was extended.The two buildings were joined to create the hotel and all its services.
It is located in the municipality of Tremezzina, on the border between Lenno and Tremezzo, below the main road called Regina, in the memory of queen Teodolinda who probably realized it, while widening the old roman track on the west side of the lake.

The Hotel San Giorgio di Lenno offers its guests an external free parking.
In addition, it has three indoor garages for a fee (20 €/night) that can be booked simply by contacting the hotel. There is a car charger for electric cars.
The parking lot is located near the hotel, which is located directly on Lake Como.
In front of the Hotel it’ s available one private buois for motor boat .
You can reserve direct at the Hotel.